In two more weeks, our Co-op classes are over for the school year. There were two main projects in Kenny’s American History course this year, one per semester. He wrapped up the first project in the Spring, and before Friday he will complete his final project, the end-of-year A to Z Project Review.
Between the email to the parents, and the A to Z Project sheet, his teacher gave clear project guidelines:
» Create an ABC book on what you have learned from this year in American History.
» Each page will represent one letter of the alphabet, and each letter of the alphabet must represent a topic from the units studied this year.
» Use large, easily identifiable letters.
» There must be a written explanation for each of the topics.
» There must be illustrations for each topic (these can be printed or drawn)
» Use at least 4 letters for each unit we’ve studied this year.
She even spent some class time helping them brainstorm ideas for each letter of the alphabet before setting them loose to do the project on their own.
Being one that loves creative projects with simple guidelines, I was brainstorming (aka running at the mouth) on the drive home from Co-op with all the different ways he could lay out his book. That is, until Kenny politely, but boldly, stated that he had it all figured out, and this was not an “arena” where he needed my help.
I held in a chuckle and took the hint.
Then, I contemplated making my own A to Z book (“I’ll show HIM!”)
And finally, I realized I was being a brat, even if only in my thoughts, and dropped it.
These internal battles remind me that growing up is a perpetual journey for everyone, at every age.
Because he is a boy, and boys are hardwired for gun play, it is no surprise that his first hand-drawn illustration for the letter “A” is of two men pointing Flintlock Muskets at each other.
“American Revolution was an eight year long war that lasted from 1775 to 1783. The first battle of the Revolution was in Lexington and Concord and the last battle was in Yorktown.”
As his teacher did not specify they had to maintain any order to their book, Kenny jumped around a lot, which explains why the letter “E” represented the Executive Branch.
“The Executive Branch is the Presidential part of the government. Many things are required for a man to be president – must be 35 years or older – must be a born citizen of the U.S. and must be a resident for 14 years or more.”
My favorite page was “M” for Meriwether Lewis. See the guy drowning under one pirogue as his sinks? Again, a boy is illustrating this book.
“Meriwether Lewis was one of the captains of the Lewis & Clark expedition that lasted from May 14, 1804 to September 23, 1806, a trip that had taken two years, four months, and nine days to complete. Meriwether Lewis in Virginia in 1774 and he joined the Virginia militia in 1794. Later, Lewis joined the regular army and was assigned to a rifle company that required marksmanship, which was one of Meriwether’s specialty’s”
As you may have noticed, I have not made any spelling or grammar corrections. When I told Kenny he might want to consider letting me review the book before turning it in he asked “Why?” I told him there were some spelling and grammar areas. His response, “Okay, I’ll take that constructive criticism.”
Note to self: Review Kenny’s A to Z Project for spelling and grammar.
“Q” is for Quartering Act. Here, two redcoats are playing dice in the home of a colonist (Did you miss that she is in blue?).
“The Quartering Act was an inefficient act made by the parliament to annoy the colonists and enable British soldiers to be housed in any colonist’s home with no charge against them.”
The letter “V” is for The Battle at Valley Forge. I was curious about the brown triangles, so I asked. Kenny told me they were tents since they camped through the winter. Got it? Good.
“The battle at Valley Forge, also a camping spot for the Continental Army from 1777 to 1778 was a dreadful place to be in the winter and yet that’s exactly where they camped. Throughout the winter, deserters left the army and thiefs stole the only food they had. Fortunately, the battle was a success, and the Germans had no idea what hit them.”
The letter “W” is for William Penn.
Giggling as he finished his drawing, Kenny looked up and said, “Momma, I think I know where Big Foot originated.”
I can’t look at this picture now without seeing William’s gargantuan feet.
“William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, was a Quaker and therefore believed in peace and equality. Meaning “Penn’s Woods”, Pennsylvania was founded in 1643 and became a leading colony in 1682 with a population that included Quaker’s Indians, and runaway slaves.”
Kenny was given 3 weeks to complete this project. He pretty much tackled them 2 to 3 each “school” day, taking his time to draw out the lines with a ruler, think through what he wanted to write (he didn’t copy anything directly), and illustrate his thoughts. I am pleased by how he took control of is own project without my help.
This type of project would be good for any range of subjects, but it really made for a solid review for the end of his year of American History (to 1850).
Previous posts on American History (up to 1850) and/or The American Revolution:
» August 30, 2010 – Book Review: Letters for Freedom: The American Revolution
» March 2, 2012 – Children’s Book Review: John, Paul, George & Ben
» August 23, 2012 – Looking for American History Readers for 5th Grade and Up
» August 30, 2012 – American History Middle School Books & Resources Compilation
» November 28, 2012 – American History up to 1850: Presentations & Curriculum
» January 8, 2013 – American History Readers – SCORE!
» March 26, 2013 – Book Review: Women of the Frontier
» April 16, 2013 – American Revolutionary War Historical Figures
What have your students learned this school year that might benefit from an A to Z Project review?
Heather Sanders is a leading homeschooling journalist who inspires homeschooling families across the nation. Married to Jeff, Heather lives in the East Texas Piney Woods and homeschools her three children, Emelie, Meredith and Kenny.